Professionalism and a truly comprehensive assistance

BMB & Partners took place from the experience of professionals specialized in different strategic fields of the business management: business consultants, lawyers, job consultants, information technology experts, marketing and business control management experts, quality control and 626 Law experts.

BMB & Partners uses the most modern instruments of the "information technology" for dealing with the customers, interacting, exchanging information and documents. With an own platform BMB & Partners grants the possibility to have the consultant in "direct touch" through the Internet, by placing restricted areas at customers’ disposal, where documents, circulars, answers to questions and the various forms are treated.

The goal of BMB & Partners is to support the small and medium entrepreneur in the management of his company, supplying the possibility of "out-sourcing" all the services that the great companies have inside (fiscal offices, book keeping management, business computerization, organization, control management, job advising, office lawyers and contracts/agreements). The customer has the opportunity to use BMB & Partners as the sole interlocutor in order to solve all the formalities and the problems that today every company must face.

The NETWORK of BMB guarantees to the customers the maximum competence in every field. The consultants, the affiliated companies, the temporary managers, also maintaining their own professional autonomy, place their specializations at disposal, for the solution of specific problems, under the coordination of a BMB Tutor consultant. The specializations of every consultant are available to all the participants to the NETWORK. Through the NETWORK and its net of professionals, BMB is in a position to finding outlets for negotiations, operations, facilitating the search of partnership for the customers, helping the demand for funds and the operations of debts restructuring. In a confidential section, companies’ offers and searches, offers and searches of partnership, real estate operations, plans for new enterprises and market opportunities, are announced to the consultants. The contact among the professionals is prompt and easy and is based on a confidential and tightened cooperation between the structures. In order to ask for information on how to join the NETWORK and in order to ask for more details, e-mail including a resume and a short presentation of your professionalism.